Pool Insurance in the City of Guelph
We’ve Got You Covered
Guelph Pool Insurance with Oracle RMS
Do you build or install swimming pools as a contractor? We offer the best pool insurance in Guelph. Contact Oracle RMS to get started today.
In Need of Pool Insurance? We’ve Got You Covered:
General Liability:
This type of insurance can give you coverage in the event that an accident happens or damage is done to a client’s property. Repairs can be expensive and so can the legal bills associated with getting sued. This insurance type will cover legal expenses, damages, and settlements.
Installation Floater:
When you’re constructing and installing a swimming pool, you may not own all of the materials you’re installing. However, if materials are damaged while in transit, on the site, or during the installation process, you may nonetheless be held liable. An installation floater will keep you covered during this critical stage of the process.
Pollution Insurance:
This type of insurance is ideal for Waterloo-based swimming pool contractors who also do maintenance work on the pools that they construct. If chemicals you use to clean or maintain the pool wind up damaging a client’s property, pollution insurance will keep you covered.
Rip & Tear Insurance:
While there’s no question that as a swimming pool contractor, you will do your best to deliver excellent work, sometimes mistakes are made and faulty materials get installed that ultimately need replacing. A major problem from the client’s standpoint is that fixing the replacement may involve damaging non-defective property. Rip and tear coverage provides an extra layer of protection in the event that previous work on the swimming pool needs to be fixed.
In Need of Pool Insurance? We’ve Got You Covered
Having the right type of insurance is just as important as having the right amount of insurance. To that end, here are some options you may benefit from considering:
Commercial Auto Insurance
On a day-to-day basis, most swimming pool contractors don’t think twice about driving to and from different worksites. However, the unfortunate reality is that if you were ever in an accident while traveling for work purposes, the coverage you would expect from a standard personal car insurance may not be available. If you’re spending any amount of time on the road in a work vehicle, commercial auto insurance may be an insurance coverage worth considering.
Building & Property Insurance
A lot of insurance policyholders don’t know that general building insurance often covers the building itself but not the property that may be inside of it. If your company has an office or a storage warehouse, one disaster could end with your company scrambling to replace a lot of items on short notice. Having the right amount of building and property insurance can go a long way towards helping you protect your assets.
The Right Coverage For You
At The Best Price
Swimming Pool Facts in Guelph

Fact 1:
Exhibition Park and Sunny Acres Park both have wading pools.

Fact 2:
Canadian Hall of Fame member, three-time Swimming Canada Athlete of the Year, and Olympic medal-winning swimmer, Victor Davis, CM, was born in Guelph.

Fact 3:
Guelph residents can take Aquafit Deep Water courses at Victoria Road Recreation Centre.
Find out more at this link here.
Get the FREE quote now for pool insurance in St. Catharines.
It’s never been quicker or easier to get the St. Catharines-based pool insurance you need. Contact Oracle RMS today.
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Lauren Chee-Hing,
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