Report a Claim
Rest easy knowing we’re here to help when you need to make a claim
Accidents happen. And if or when they do, you can rest assured that you’ll get the help, answers and advice you need, right when you need it. Whether you need to make a car insurance claim or a home insurance claim, you can rely on our claims representatives to give you quick and ongoing support from the moment you call until the moment your claim is resolved.
At Oracle RMS, claims are our number one priority.
Make an Insurance claim
To file a claim please call our 24/7 Claims assist number 1-866-CLAIM-20 or email us at
Before you begin, you’ll need:
- Your policy number (or your phone number if you don’t have your policy number handy)
- As many details as possible regarding the incident
- A police or fire department report (if one was made)
Call Us 24/7 | 1-866-CLAIM-20
Tracking an Insurance claim
It’s important for you to be able to follow the progress of your claim from beginning to completion. We’ve made it easy for you to track your claim in the way that is most convenient to you:
- Over the phone
- Via email
- Live chat online
- Log in to your Client Centre (for car insurance claims only)
Get help for common claims
Before you begin, you’ll need:
- If your car has been stolen
- If you were in a car accident
- If your home has been burglarized
- If your home has been affected by sewer backup water damage
- If there has been a fire in your home

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