Community Involvement
Oracle RMS has embarked on a charitable partnership with Autism Speaks Canada in 2013. Oracle RMS is a major corporate sponsor of the Harvest Moon fundraiser in support of Autism Speaks. This charitable partnership is a reflection of the firm’s commitment to our corporate social responsibility.
Autism Speaks Canada is North America’s largest autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, and treatments for autism. This amazing organization increases awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocates for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

“I wish more people understood how we think and process information. A common misconception is that we don’t care and are in our own world. We want to be included but find it hard sometimes.”
– Emma Rose Ferraro
Emma Rose Ferarro is a spokesperson for Autism Speaks Canada & 2018’s Autism Speaks Canada Walk Ambassador.
Read Emma Rose’s interview with Owl Connected here!
Watch Emma Rose’s ambassador speech at the Autism Speaks Canada Walk here!